After much anticipation, 40+ minutes of anxious line-waiting and one sheepish and overeager unresponded-to email later, Impact Carbon is pleased to finally present a review of an innovative twist on two San Francisco classics: the Sushirrito.
The sushirrito, or "Sushi Burrito", is exactly what it sounds like: a giant sushi roll, shaped to look like a burrito. Yeah, we're upset we didn't think of it first, too. While some burrito purists may claim that this can't technically be called a burrito (there's not much overlap aside from the rice and log-like shape), we're not terribly concerned. The sushi is fresh, the combinations are new and exciting, and the novelty of taking sushi to the face with two hands instead of dainty chopsticks is more than appealing, it's downright exciting. While the $9.50 price tag may run a bit higher than your average lunchtime sandwich, it's less expensive than your average sushi roll and more filling.
Their menu, which is almost certain to change periodically, offers a variety of pescatarian, vegetarian and carnivorian options (smoked chicken in chipotle sauce? plantains? yes please!) We ordered the Three Amigos and the Latin Ninja today, but we can't wait to try the other combos. The addition of rice chips and carrot-ginger salsa rounds it out to complete the faux-rrito experience. We can't wait to see what else they come up with (and we hope that the line outside dies down once the newcomer novelty wears off and the chefs figure out how to roll more quickly) - we just hope that they figure out that a side of wasabi and soy sauce would be greatly appreciated!
Next stop, JapaCurry!
hours after my 'rrito encounter and still digesting that monster's the gift that keeps on giving